Doctors prescribe future mothers a variety of vitamin preparations, depending on the period and health problems. In this rating, according to their recommendations, we collected the best vitamins for pregnant women at different times.
How to choose vitamins for pregnant women
With a full balanced diet, doctors recommend expectant mothers to take not complex preparations, but mono-vitamins, the purpose of which depends on the individual characteristics of a woman and her state of health:
1. Iron complexes for anemia;
2. B6 with early toxicosis and disorders of the nervous system;
3. With cramps in the legs, especially in the last weeks of gestation, magnesium is prescribed;
4. In winter, when there is a lack of sunlight, vitamin D is prescribed, which cannot be obtained from products.
1. The first trimester is the most responsible, at this time the foundation of the child's body is laid. The main component of multivitamins at the initial stage is B9 or folic acid. It determines the proper formation of tissues of the fetus and placenta. Other B vitamins are no less important in the first weeks of germination.
2. In the second trimester, a whole group of vitamins and microelements goes to the front pan. Retinol (vitamin A) serves to properly form the fetal visual system, calcium is responsible for building the skeleton, teeth, development of the endocrine system and kidney of the baby, and vitamin D improves the absorption of this element.
Also, the child needs iron to eliminate oxygen starvation and proper muscle building, vitamin C as an immunostimulator and E, supporting the health of the placenta and elasticity of the skin.
3. Starting from the third trimester to the very birth, mothers should monitor the level of calcium, iron, vitamins D, E and B6 for the full development of the baby in the womb and the prevention of developmental delays.
The best multivitamins for pregnant women in the early stages
Vitamins that are suitable for the 1st trimester, it is recommended to start taking at the planning stage of the child. They increase the possibility of conception and attachment of the fetus, as well as contribute to its proper development.
Elevit "Planning and 1 trimester" - a novelty from a European manufacturer

Elevit company in 2018 released vitamins for the period of baby planning and reception during the first trimester. This supplement can be taken up to the 13th week of pregnancy.
The main component of the complex is metafolin (a more perfect and digestible formula of folic acid).
Also included are essential trace elements necessary for the formation of the heart and brain of the embryo: iodine, iron, and vitamin D. Vitamins B, A, C and E are responsible for the development of the remaining organs of the crumbs, plus another 8 useful trace elements.
- rich vitamin composition;
- a day is enough to drink just 1 tablet;
- European quality that meets all norms and standards.
- high cost - about 600 rubles for 30 pieces;
- large pills uncomfortable to swallow.
Vitamins from Bayer Delpharm have a good balanced composition, which comprehensively affects the body of a pregnant woman and the development of the baby. However, the drug has contraindications, so before the start of the reception, the expectant mother should consult with a doctor.
Femibion Natalcare 1 - for pregnant women with a sensitive stomach

Fembion 1 opens a line of vitamins, developed by the German manufacturer for each trimester. "One" can be taken before conception, and when pregnancy occurs - up to 12 weeks.
The complex includes the same metafolin and other B vitamins, which are responsible for the formation of the heart and nervous system.
Iodine is used as a preventive measure for hormonal disorders, while vitamins C and E strengthen the immune system and prevent future mother's skin and hair problems.
Femibion Natalcare is recommended for pregnant women with poor nutrition and helps reduce the manifestations of early toxicosis.
- high degree of assimilation of all components;
- balanced composition;
- small almond-shaped tablets are convenient to swallow;
- can be taken even with sensitive gastrointestinal tract;
- relieves toxemia.
- does not contain trace elements.
Fembion 1 does not irritate the stomach and partly helps to cope with toxicosis in the first trimester. But when buying, you need to clearly calculate the number of tablets, taking into account your time, because after 12 weeks, you will need to replace the vitamins with the next step of the complex - Natalcare 2.
Vitažinal - basic complex for mother and baby

These vitamins are made exclusively in France. They can be taken throughout pregnancy, but in the first trimester, they are especially significant. Available Vitažinal in the form of capsules.
The composition includes 5 micronutrients for a harmonious pregnancy and infant development: D3 for strengthening the bones of mother and child, Omega-3 for proper brain and visual system development, B9 as a prevention of fetal diseases, iodine normalizing the thyroid, and vitamin E - antioxidant, beneficial effect on the maturation of the placenta.
All elements are perfectly combined with each other, and the dosage of each component is carefully thought out by leading experts of the company.
Vitazhinal is not able to provoke an overdose of vitamins or trace elements, even with prolonged use.
- taking 1 capsule per day;
- compatible with other drugs and vitamins;
- does not cause allergies;
- overdose is impossible.
- the price of 30 capsules reaches 1000 rubles.
VitaZhinal contains only basic components. Due to this, the complex can be individually supplemented with mono-vitamins necessary for a woman.
Ratiopharm Pregnavit - the richest multivitamin complex

Pregnavit is recommended for the prevention of beriberi during pregnancy and lactation. The release form - capsules of the small size or effervescent tablets for dissolution in water.
In the early stages it is enough to use 1 pc. per day, after the first semester, the dosage is doubled.
The complex contains: vitamins A, C, D3 and E, as well as numerous group B, including folic acid and nicotinamide, iron, calcium and pantothenic acid.
- very rich composition;
- different forms of release;
- there are big packs - 60 capsules;
- affordable price;
- positive effect on the skin, nails and mom's hair.
- There are contraindications - allergy to the drug.
Pregnavit has a balanced composition with a fair amount of vitamins and minerals. In combination with each other, they give a much greater effect than individually. However, before buying this complex, you must consult with your doctor.
The best multivitamins for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy
The second trimester is considered the most pleasant stage of pregnancy. Toxicosis has already passed, and hormonal "storms" subsided.
Acceptance of folic acid is no longer so important, and now in favor of other elements: calcium, iron and vitamins D and E. And the expectant mother needs the latter because it helps prevent stretch marks on the rounded tummy.
Bayer Elevit Pronatal - bargain

One of the most famous multivitamin complexes for pregnant women is taken not only in the second, but also in the third trimesters. It consists of 9 vitamins essential for the health of the mother and the baby, as well as 11 useful trace elements.
In the middle of the term we will accept them, primarily aimed at maintaining the state of health of the pregnant woman, as well as the correct development of the brain and cardiovascular system of the child.
Nevertheless, Pronatal can be used at the planning stage, during the entire pregnancy and even during the feeding period.
- balanced composition with a large number of components;
- visible improvement in the condition of nails and hair;
- helps with toxicosis;
- can be taken at any time, supplementing with other vitamins.
- there are contraindications;
- a large pill is not convenient for everyone to drink it all.
When you buy a large package of Pronatal for 100 tablets, the price is more profitable than a monthly course of vitamins. Moreover, the drug can be taken not only in the second trimester.
Vitrum Prenatal - the most balanced composition

This complex is prescribed for any problems: malnutrition, calcium deficiency, anemia, vomiting and placental disorders.
Each Vitrum tablet contains 10 vitamins and 3 microelements that are well combined with each other, complementing each other's action. They establish almost all metabolic processes in the organisms of the mother and the baby growing in the womb.
- affordable price;
- a large amount of vitamins;
- good absorption;
- can be taken at any time, although it is better to start at 2 trimester.
- does not combine with certain medications.
Vitrum Prenatal - the best complex in terms of price and efficiency. But with the introduction of other medications you will need to consult a doctor, as vitamins can affect the effect of a new drug.
Alphabet "Mom's Health" - 3-in-1 system

Multivitamins "Mom's Health" are available in the form of tablets, which must be taken strictly by the hour. Each blister contains 3 types of dragee for morning, afternoon and evening reception.
For convenience, they are painted in different colors. This separation of taking different groups of vitamins and trace elements in time improves their absorption by the body.
Morning pills contain iron to prevent anemia and raise the tone. Daytime are responsible for the stable operation of the nervous system, help fight stress and improve skin condition.
The composition of these pills includes vitamins B, E, magnesium, zinc, iodine and other trace elements. Evening pills contain D3, calcium, phosphorus and chromium - they strengthen bone tissue and beneficially affect the overall well-being of the mother.
- high degree of assimilation of all components;
- proper distribution of vitamins in time;
- immunity strengthening;
- do not have contraindications.
- you need to follow the sequence and time of taking the pills;
- nausea may occur at the beginning of the course, but it passes quickly.
The Alphabet complex differs from similar preparations by dividing the daily dose of vitamins into 3 parts.On the one hand, this increases its efficiency, on the other hand, the expectant mother will have to strictly follow the time and try not to confuse the pills.
The best multivitamins for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester
In the last trimester, vitamin K is added to the list of useful elements of multicomponent drugs. It regulates blood clotting and is able to reduce blood loss during labor. It is useful and magnesium, which will prevent cramps in the legs and lower the tone of the uterus.
Trimester Complivit 3 - General Improvement

Doctors recommend that these multivitamins be taken for a period of 28 weeks until delivery. Although the course can be continued during breastfeeding.
Trimester is available in the form of round white tablets. Each contains 14 vitamins and 8 trace elements.
Many future mothers say that thanks to Complivit they improve the overall condition of the body, the appearance of the skin and hair.
- beneficial effects on the entire body;
- convenient to take - 1 small tablet per day;
- very rich composition;
- adequate price.
- there are contraindications;
- some may cause allergic reactions or nausea.
When taking medications, you should ask your doctor if you can take Trimester 3 with them, because this complex is not compatible with some lekepreparaty.
Solgar Prenatal - a universal complex

In principle, Solgar Prenatal can be drunk during the entire gestation period, as well as at the planning stage and after the birth of a child - during lactation.
The composition of each capsule includes 10 trace elements and 7 vitamins, including folic acid, iron and calcium, antioxidants and biotin.
They cover the daily needs of mothers and babies in nutrients, which in general has a positive effect on the well-being of both. But first of all pregnant women, of course, note the improvement of hair and skin.
- as part of no dyes and preservatives;
- reduce fatigue;
- do not cause nausea;
- big pack - 240 tablets;
- dark plastic bottle protected from light.
- need to drink 4 capsules rather big size;
- rarely come across in the free market.
Solgar Prenatal are expensive, although in terms of one capsule such a purchase seems to be profitable. And yet this is an excellent complex, which has practically no contraindications and no serious flaws - only the benefits for the pregnant body.
Argo Lonopan - Herbal Vitamins

Lonopan for pregnant women is produced in the form of two kinds of coated tablets that are convenient for ingestion: with iron and iodine for the morning and with calcium for the evening. These vitamins are completely natural, produced in the Altai Territory and contain extracts and extracts of medicinal fruits and plants.
The complex is well combined with other drugs and vitamins, without causing hypervitaminosis. On the day you need to drink 6 tablets - 2 greens in the morning and 4 white before bedtime.
- absolutely natural composition;
- no contraindications;
- the pills are easily chewed.
- uncomfortable packaging;
- Packing is not enough for a monthly course.
Organic vitamins Lonopan suitable opponents of synthetic vitamins, or if you just need to maintain the normal work of a healthy body pregnant. However, they cover only 20% of the daily requirement of vitamins and microelements, so the rest should be “picked up” with food and mono-vitamins.
The best mono-vitamins for pregnant women
It all depends on the individual characteristics of the future mother and baby. If the doctor sees that you are missing some specific element, he will prescribe a mono-drug in support of the main complex.
Folic acid - the key to proper child development

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is the first thing that is prescribed when planning a pregnancy or its occurrence for the prevention of miscarriage and numerous fetal defects.
This vitamin is involved in the creation of new cells, the work of the immune and nervous systems, as well as in the initiation of the brain and spinal cord of the embryo. In general, if you see two strips on the dough, immediately go to the pharmacy for folic acid.
- any forms of release (tablets, capsules, injections, etc.);
- warns many health problems of mother and baby;
- well tolerated by the body;
- very cheap;
- sold in any pharmacy.
- may occasionally cause skin rash.
Folic acid is the basis of the future health of the baby and its proper development in the womb. It is better to start a prophylactic course 2-3 months before conception in order to protect yourself and the fetus from possible problems as much as possible.
Vigantol (vitamin D) - an alternative to sunlight

An oil solution of vitamin D, which in our body is responsible for the formation and strengthening of bone tissue. It is taken for the prevention of rickets, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and certain autoimmune diseases.
Modification of vitamin D2 can be obtained from food, but D3 enters the body only with sunlight. Therefore, for pregnant women, leading not too active lifestyles without private walks, or residents of the northern regions, the course of Vigantola is recommended.
- convenient form of release - oil drops;
- well absorbed and absorbed by the body;
- is inexpensive;
- even a small bubble lasts a long time.
- quickly accumulates in the body, which can lead to an overdose.
During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor the level of vitamin D and not to allow either its deficiency or hypervitaminosis, therefore, the dosage of the drug should be strictly followed and taken only as instructed by the doctor.
Consider the fact that even synthetic vitamin D is absorbed very well in an oil solution, accumulating in the body - unlike water-based preparations.
Retinol (vitamin A) - supply of vitality and health

Synthetic vitamin A is important for good health and normal functioning of the immune system. The first symptom of its shortage is lethargy and fatigue. Retinol is also involved in the formation of the visual system and mucous membranes.
The form of release of the drug, you can choose any at will: pills, prophylactic dragee, concentrate in fish oil or capsules. Pregnant vitamin A is prescribed only from the second trimester and under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
- You can choose a convenient form of release;
- well absorbed in any form;
- affordable price.
- has contraindications.
Pregnant women need to start taking Retinol no earlier than the 2nd trimester under the strict supervision of a physician. Overdose in this case may be more dangerous than shortage.
Tokoferokaps (vitamin E) - tummy without stretch marks

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps avoid stretch marks, has a beneficial effect on skin and hair, and is of paramount importance for the nervous system and muscle development. It is simply indispensable for multiple pregnancies.
Available Tocoferocaps in the form of chewable lozenges, capsules, oil solution and intramuscular injections. The dosage and duration of the course indicated by the doctor.
- budget;
- can be taken in any suitable form;
- is a real “beauty vitamin”;
- slows down aging;
- returns skin elasticity.
- interaction, including negative, with other drugs.
Reception of vitamin E must be coordinated with the doctor, otherwise you can harm yourself and the baby in the womb.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - help with toxicosis and mood swings

Pyridoxine is prescribed in case of improper nutrition and avitaminosis of pregnant women, diarrhea, as well as during periods of stress.
B6 saves from the manifestations of early toxemia and for any violations of the nervous system. Available in the form of a solution for injection or tablets.
- low price;
- 2 forms of admission to choose from;
- avitaminosis prevention.
- has a number of contraindications.
Vitamin B6 is found in food, so first, doctors recommend adjusting and diversifying the diet of a pregnant woman. Additionally, it is taken only with acute shortages.
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