This document "Agreement on the use of materials and services of the Internet site»Represents the proposal of the Site Administration to conclude an agreement on the conditions set forth below.
Before using materials and services of the Internet site read the terms of this Agreement.
1. Basic terms and definitions used in the Agreement
1.1. Website - a set of web pages hosted on the Internet, united by a domain address space. The start page of the Site, through which all other web pages of the Site can be accessed, is located on the Internet at https: //
1.2. Site Administration (Administration) - natural person Alexander Sergeevich Silich, acting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and administering the Site. Administrations own all relevant exclusive rights to the Site, including rights to the domain name of the Site;
1.3. User Account (Account) - a user account created at the time of registration on the Site, allowing the Administration to identify (authorize) each User by means of a unique login and password. The login and password for access to the Account are determined by the User independently during registration;
1.4. Content - design elements, illustrations, graphics, scripts, programs, videos, music, sounds and other objects that are the result of intellectual activity or not, the rights to which belong to the Administration, Users, Partners of the Administration or other persons.
1.5. User - any person who has entered into this Agreement with the Administration in his or another's interest in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and this Agreement.
1.6. User Agreement (Agreement) - an agreement defining the conditions and procedure for using the Site, which governs the relations between the Administration and the User.
2. General provisions
2.1. The subject of this Agreement is to provide the User’s Administration with access to the use of the Site and its services in order to meet the User’s needs for various information about products (ratings, tips, reviews, reviews).
2.2. This User Agreement is a legally binding document and governs the relationship between the Administration and the User on the use of the Site and the services located on it.
2.3. Using materials and services of the Internet Site, the User acknowledges and agrees that:
• he got acquainted with the terms of this Agreement in full before using the materials and services of the Site;
• This Agreement is an offer, and the beginning of the use of materials and services of the Internet Site in any form means that the User accepts all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions and limitations (acceptance). The use of materials and services of the Site on other conditions is not allowed. This Agreement, concluded by the acceptance of this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.
• if the User does not agree with the terms of this Agreement or does not have the right to enter it by virtue of the law, he should immediately stop any use of the materials and services of the Site.
• The agreement (including any of its parts) may be modified by the Administration without any special notice. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its posting on the Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.
2.4.Relationships of the Parties may be further regulated by separate documents and agreements governing the use of the respective services. The use of such additional documents and agreements does not invalidate this User Agreement.
3. The procedure for registration and authorization on the Site
3.1. In order to take advantage of certain features of the Site, the User goes through the registration procedure, as a result of which a User Account is created for the User.
3.2. During registration, the User specifies the following data: name, login, password, e-mail address. The user undertakes to provide accurate and complete information about himself. The administration checks the accuracy of the data specified by the User by sending a letter to the e-mail address indicated by him containing a link to the registration confirmation.
3.3. User data specified by him during registration is processed by the Administration in accordance with the privacy policy posted on the Site. By registering on the Site, the User agrees with the Administration to the processing of personal data. At the same time, the Administration is not responsible for the accuracy and accuracy of the User’s personal data.
3.4. After registering on the Site, the User can change or add his profile in the settings of the personal account.
3.5. Entry to the Site by the User is carried out each time through the authorization procedure - the introduction of the User's login and password, or as a result of automatic authorization using cookies.
3.6. When the User accesses the Site, cookies may be used to automatically authorize the User on the Site, as well as to collect statistical data, in particular, about the attendance of the Site. The user has the right to restrict or prohibit the use of cookies by applying the appropriate browser settings.
3.7. Any actions performed using the Account of the User are deemed to be committed by the respective User.
3.8. In case of unauthorized access to the User Account, or distribution of username and password, the User must immediately inform the Administration about this.
4. Comments and feedback from users
4.1. The site is an information platform that allows the User to get acquainted with information about various products, leave their comments and feedback, communicate with other users through the Site.
4.2. Any user can post comments and reviews on the Site (both registered and unregistered. Comments and reviews can be corrected in terms of grammar and punctuation by the Administration, while the User is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the comments and feedback left by him. The Administration has the right to independently and to notify users to moderate comments and reviews, including:
• do not publish comments, the content of which does not relate to the subject of publication;
• Do not publish comments and reviews that do not contain useful information for other users;
• Do not publish comments and feedback that contain profanity, statements of offensive nature;
• Do not post comments and reviews that contain links to other websites;
• not to publish comments and reviews, information in which is clearly unreliable or raises doubts about its authenticity;
• delete a published comment or review at any time;
• independently determine the period during which comments and feedback are considered relevant and for which they are published;
4.3. The administration does not undertake to inform the user (s) about the reasons for the rejection of the publication and / or deletion of previously published comments and feedback.
4.4.A comment or feedback can be removed if signs of PR or trolling are detected, as well as at the request of the author of the comment or review.
5. Rights and obligations of the User
5.1. User may:
5.1.1. Acquainted with the information provided on the Site;
5.1.2. Publish your comments and feedback, use other services of the Site;
5.1.3. Use the Site is not prohibited by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation methods.
5.1.4. Contact the Administration to clarify the situation and take the necessary measures in case of technical problems in the Site, as well as in case the User receives messages that are unauthorized advertising campaigns, or contain threats or files suspected of having a virus, and if the User discovers the facts giving reason to believe that his access to the Site was used by anyone unauthorized.
5.1.5. Contact the Administration for the operation of the Site and its tools, recovering the lost access password.
5.2. User Responsibilities:
5.2.1. Read the content of this Agreement;
5.2.2. Keep the login and password out of access by third parties and change them in a timely manner in case of loss or other need.
5.2.3. The user is responsible to the Administration for providing accurate and current contact and registration information about himself when registering on the Site. In case of change of the specified data, the User is obliged to inform the Administration about this.
5.2.4. The User undertakes never to use the Site under any circumstances for the publication, distribution, storage, transfer in any form of information and materials that:
• are obscene, offensive, vulgar, harmful, threatening, slanderous, false or pornographic;
• insult the honor and dignity, rights and legitimate interests of third parties, promote the incitement of religious, racial, ethnic or ethnic discord, contain elements of violence, call for violation of current legislation and illegal actions, etc .;
• violate the rights to the results of intellectual activity and to the means of individualization (including copyright, related, patent, etc.) of third parties;
• violate the rights of minors;
• contribute to the emergence of interest in the distribution of drugs, weapons and ammunition, any form of terrorist, illegal and Nazi activities;
• contain unauthorized information (information constituting state or commercial secrets, personal data of third parties, etc.);
• contain software viruses or other computer codes, programs, files aimed at violating the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment, their parts, including servers and other components of the network infrastructure and software. The transfer of malicious programs is prohibited in any form, including in the form of a complete program code, or part of it, separate files of any formats, as well as links to their placement on the network;
• contain unauthorized advertising information with the Administration, spam (including all forms of search spam), flood, “letters of happiness”, multi-level marketing schemes, earnings on the Internet, information provoking a “chain reaction” in the distribution of messages by recipients and other similar information contain profanity;
• can be used to connect and use any software designed to hack or aggregate personal data of other Users, including logins, passwords, etc. (“phishing”), as well as to conduct automatic mass mailing of any kind of content.
5.2.5.The user agrees not to damage the program shell of the Site, hardware and software.
5.2.6. The user undertakes to constantly monitor the changes made to this Agreement.
5.2.7. In case of violation by the User of any of the terms of this Agreement, the Administration reserves the right to terminate the User’s access to the Site (including by blocking access to the Site of the IP address from which this User was registered / there was the greatest number of visits by this User) and transfer information and materials confirming illegal actions of the User for taking measures to law enforcement and other other control and supervisory bodies.
5.2.8. The User agrees that he will indemnify the Administration for any losses incurred in connection with the User’s use of the Site, in violation of the terms of this Agreement and the rights (including intellectual, informational, etc.) of third parties.
5.2.9. The user acknowledges and agrees that the IP address of the personal computer of the User is recorded by the Administration’s technical means, and in the event of unlawful actions, including actions violating the rights of third parties, the owner of the personal computer defined by the Administration’s hardware is recognized as responsible IP addresses.
6. Duties and rights of the Administration
6.1. Administration undertakes to:
6.1.1. Grant the right to use the Site in accordance with this Agreement, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays.
6.1.2. Make all reasonable efforts to ensure the stable operation of the Site, its gradual improvement, correcting errors in the Site, however, the Site is provided for use on an "as is" basis. This means that the Administration:
• does not guarantee the absence of errors in the operation of the Site;
• is not responsible for the uninterrupted operation of the Site and its compatibility with the software and hardware of the User and other persons;
• is not responsible for the loss of data or for causing any losses that have arisen or may arise in connection with the use of the Site;
• is not responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of its obligations due to failures in telecommunications and energy networks, actions of malicious programs, as well as unfair actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and / or disabling of the software and / or hardware of the Site.
6.1.3. Ensure the confidentiality and security of data received from the User, unless such disclosure occurred for reasons beyond the control of the Administration, as well as with the exception of cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.1.4. Provide technical support to the user.
6.2. The administration has exclusive rights to the content, including software products and online services of the Site as a whole and including computer programs, databases, cartographic, reference, information and other materials, videos, images and other objects of copyright and / or related rights, as well as objects of patent rights, trademarks, commercial designations and brand names, as well as other parts of the software products and / or online services of the Site (regardless of whether they or their composition are optional components, and if possible their extraction from their composition and use of their own) individually. These rights are protected in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.3. The Administration exercises the current management of the Site, determines its structure, appearance, allows or limits the access of Users to the Site, and carries out other rights belonging to it.
6.4. The administration decides on the placement of advertisements on the Site, participation in affiliate programs, etc.
6.5. During the operation of the Site there may be failures caused by technical malfunctions or deliberate actions of third parties. In this case, the Administration has the right to correct or cancel the actions of Users that were made during the period of the malfunction.
6.6. The administration has the right at any time to change the design of the Site, its content, change or supplement the scripts used, software, content and other objects used or stored on the Site, any server applications, with or without notice to users of the Site.
6.7. The administration has the right to delete without any reason and without warning any content;
6.8. The administration has the right, with the consent of the users, to send out to the users messages about the introduction of new or cancellation of old services.
6.9. The administration has the right to show the User advertising materials on the Site.
6.10. The administration reserves the right to fully or partially transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties unilaterally. In turn, the User has no right to violate this Agreement, and also to transfer his rights and obligations to third parties without the official permission of the Administration.
7. Restrictions and prohibitions
7.1. User is prohibited from:
a) collect personal data of other Users;
b) use any automatic or automated means to collect information posted on the Site;
c) to carry out propaganda or agitation, inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity, propaganda of war, social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority;
d) post information on the Website of restricted access (confidential information), if the User does not have sufficient rights by virtue of a law or agreement to disclose this information;
e) post, reproduce, copy, process, distribute, publish on the Site, communicate to the public, download, transmit, sell or otherwise use in whole or in part the content of the Site without the prior permission of the Administration;
e) post on the Site in open access text messages, graphic images or other materials whose content is offensive to other Users or other persons or may be regarded as such, as well as messages, images and other materials that discredit Users or other persons , contain threats, calls for violence, the commission of unlawful acts, antisocial, immoral acts, as well as the commission of any other actions contrary to the principles of the rule of law and morality;
g) posting on the Site reviews and comments (including those that do not correspond to reality), the placement of which causes or may damage the honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen or business reputation of an organization;
h) posting on the Site reviews and comments containing obscene words and phrases;
i) place on the Site pornographic materials or hypertext links to Internet sites containing such materials;
j) post personal data on the Site, including contact details, of other Users or other persons without their prior consent;
k) specify during the registration of the Account or enter subsequently knowingly false or fictitious information about yourself;
m) register more than one Account with the same person;
m) post on the Site in open access without prior consent of the Site Administration text messages, graphic images and other materials that contain advertising, except when advertising materials are agreed with the Administration;
o) to carry out actions aimed at destabilizing the functioning of the Site, to attempt unauthorized access to manage the Site or its closed sections (sections, access to which is allowed only to the Administration), as well as to perform any other similar actions;
n) to carry out unauthorized access to the Accounts of other Users by picking up or entering a password, as well as to attempt such access;
p) use the Site for any commercial purposes without the prior permission of the Site Administration;
c) send out spam - mass mailing of commercial, political, advertising and other information (including hyperlinks leading to Internet sites with such information and / or to Internet sites containing malicious software).
8. Warranties and liability
8.1. Due to the provision of the right to use materials and / or online services under the Agreement for non-commercial purposes on a gratuitous basis, the provisions of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights are not applicable to the relations of the Parties under the Agreement.
8.2. Materials and / or online services are provided on an “as is” basis, in connection with which the User is not presented any guarantees that: they will meet the requirements of the User; be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors; the results that can be obtained with their use will be accurate and reliable; all errors will be corrected.
8.3. The Administration makes every effort to ensure that the information posted on the Website is accurate, but the Administration does not give any guarantee as to the accuracy of such information and is not responsible for it. Use of any materials and data from the composition of materials and / or online services refers solely to the risk of the User, the Administration will not be liable for any loss of profit, loss or other damage resulting from the use of the Site materials.
8.4. All advertising materials posted on the Site are provided by third parties. The administration is not responsible for the accuracy of third-party advertising materials, the availability of their websites and their content, as well as for any consequences related to the use of information and / or advertising, as well as third-party websites.
8.5. Since materials and / or online services are at the stage of constant addition and updating of new functionality, the form and nature of the services provided may change from time to time without prior notice to the User. The Administration has the right, at its sole discretion, to stop (temporarily or permanently) the display of the Site materials and / or the provision of services (or any individual parts) to all Users in general or to an individual User in particular without prior notice.
8.6. The user is responsible for any violation of the obligations established by this Agreement and (or) applicable law, as well as for all the consequences of such violations (including any losses that may be incurred by the Administration and other third parties).
8.7. The administration reserves the right to prosecute violators of exclusive rights to intellectual property in accordance with civil, administrative and criminal law at its discretion.
8.8. The user, posting information on the Site, grants other persons the non-exclusive right to use it for personal purposes.
8.9. The user guarantees that they will take appropriate measures to ensure the confidentiality of the credentials (login and password) used by him for authorization on the Site, and to prevent the possibility of authorization by others.
8.10.The Site Administration guarantees the use by the Administration of the e-mail address specified in the User’s Account for the Administration’s communication with the User, sending notifications and messages to the User.
8.11. The Site Administration, by providing the User with the technical ability to use the Site, does not participate in forming the content of the User Account and downloading information by the User, does not control the actions of the User, does not automatically censor information in the open sections of the Site, is not responsible for the actions or omissions of the User, as in the information system There are no technical solutions for the site and its software that allow automatic censorship and control. the actions of Users.
8.12. The Site Administration is not responsible for possible failures and interruptions in the work of the Site and the loss of information caused by them. The Administration is not responsible for any damage to the User’s computer, mobile devices, any other equipment or software caused or associated with the use of the Site or sites accessible via hyperlinks located on the Site.
8.13. The Site Administration is not responsible for any damage, including loss of profits, or harm caused in connection with the use of the Site, content or other materials to which the User or other persons have accessed through the Site, even if the Site Administration has warned or indicated the possibility of causing such damage or harm.
8.14. The Site Administration is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to the User, including loss of data, blocking of the Account, Content or termination of the operation of a separate service or the Site as a whole.
8.15. The User is solely responsible for illegal actions carried out using the User's Account, including compliance of the content of the content posted by the User with the requirements of current legislation, including liability to third parties.
8.16. The user is personally liable for any information that he uploads to the Site or otherwise communicates to the public on or with the Site. The user undertakes to independently resolve claims of third parties related to the illegal placement of information.
8.17. Hyperlinks to any website, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature, placed on the Website, do not constitute approval or recommendation of these products (services) by the Administration. The administration is not responsible for the damage caused to the User as a result of clicking on such hyperlinks.
8.18. Transition to Third-Party Sites, installation of programs and consumption of third-party services by the User is at your own risk. The provisions of the User Agreement do not apply to the relationship between the User and third parties.
8.19. For violation of the provisions of the User Agreement, the User’s access to the Site, individual sections of the Site and / or services may be restricted, suspended or terminated for an indefinite period. Access can be restored at the request of the User at the discretion of the Administration.
8.20. The administration is not responsible for the selection of a password by third parties and any actions performed by them using the User's account.
9. Final provisions
9.1. All disagreements arising between the Parties shall be settled by negotiation. The pre-trial procedure for resolving a dispute arising from relations governed by the Agreement shall be deemed mandatory. The deadline for pre-trial settlement of claims is 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the relevant claim. If there is no agreement on the settlement of the dispute, such a dispute shall be considered and resolved in court at the location of the Administration.
9.2.The recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid and not applicable shall not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.
9.3. This Agreement covers all currently existing materials and services of the site., as well as any subsequent versions, modifications and additional services that appear on the Site from the moment they are posted on the site.
9.4. For all questions, the User can contact the Administration by e-mail