The best baby food for babies from birth to one year: artificial mixes that are as close as possible to breast milk, instant cereals, cookies and other useful treats for the little ones.
What should be baby food
In the first months of a child’s life, if breastfeeding is not possible, adapted mixtures from ordinary milk of cows or goats are used. Or rather, from their whey with the addition of casein protein.
Moreover, the first component should be more (about 60-80%), otherwise it will be difficult for the child to absorb the supersaturated milk substitute with protein.
Also pay attention to the amount of fat in the composition (the norm is 3.4-3.6 g per 100 ml of the finished mixture) and carbohydrates. The latter can be represented only by lactose in the amount of 6-8 g for the same portion of the product.
But in no case should anything be in an adapted mixture:
1. Carbohydrates in the form of sugar, glucose and fructose;
2. Palm oil;
3. Starch - with the exception of rice in anti-reflux mixtures.
But even if your baby is breastfed, you still cannot get away from buying ready-made baby food. At about 5-6 months, your baby will need to be introduced to fruits and vegetables, starting with clarified juices without sugar and gradually switching to purees. And only at 9-10 months you can switch to meat and fish pastes without salt and seasonings.
Top Milk Blends
Adapted mixtures form the basis of nutrition for the artillery player for at least 6-8 months, and it is they who lay the foundation for his health.
Similac Gold - an innovative mixture with breast milk oligosaccharides

In the Similac lineup, the new Gold appeared, which in the near future should completely replace the Premium series. Oligosaccharide 2'-FL, a substance contained only in breast milk, was added to the formula. It is it that improves digestion, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the child’s stools.
In addition to the new component, the mixture includes pro- and prebiotics, bifidobacteria and nucleotides. The manufacturer recommends switching from the usual mixture to Similac Gold gradually over a period of 5-7 days, giving the child small portions in the morning before the main feeding.
- The composition is as close to breast milk;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Reduces the appearance of colic;
- Improves digestion and provides a soft stool in a child;
- The absence of palm oil in the composition.
- Like any lactose mixture, it can cause allergies.
Regular improvement of the formula has made the composition of Similac Gold even closer to the mother's milk - now it is also able to perform an immunomodulating function.
Mamako Premium - goat milk

Mamako's collection has been replenished with a new dry mix based on goat milk whey. This is ideal for babies with cow protein allergies. The line includes products for infants of three age categories: newborns, as well as 6 months + and 12 months +.
Premium contains only useful components: pro-and prebiotics, easily digestible proteins, IQ-complex, minerals, nucleotides and L-carnitine.Omega-acids, like the entire vitamin complex Mamako, have a good effect on the eyesight and mental activity of babies.
- Practically does not cause allergies;
- Forms strong immunity of the child;
- Provides weight gain;
- Suitable for the prevention of rickets and anemia;
- Does not contain harmful ingredients.
- High price.
For a jar of the mixture will have to pay from 950 to 2000 rubles - depending on the volume. Despite this, Mamako Premium is ideal for children who are allergic to cow's milk protein.
Nutrilak Premium - the best lactose free blend

One of the most popular dairy-free blends, in which lactose is replaced by glucose syrup and maltodextrin. The product is distinguished not only by its qualitative composition, but also by its excellent taste. In addition to these ingredients, Nutrilak includes milk fat, omega-3, nucleotides and a whole complex of vitamins.
- Does not cause allergies and problems with digestion;
- Adjusting the stool in a child;
- Pleasant taste;
- Natural composition without GMOs;
- Does not contain sugar, therefore does not cause colic;
- You can give from birth.
- Hard to stir;
- Inconvenient storage of opened packages.
Nutrilak Premium is suitable for most babies who do not digest lactose and just allergies. The cost per package is quite tolerable - the analogs are more expensive, and in taste they are noticeably inferior to Nutrilak.
The best cereals for baby food
For the first feeding we recommend gluten-free cereals with the simplest composition (buckwheat, rice, corn). Such mixtures are less likely to cause gas and colic. And when there is a successful acquaintance with each of the cereals, it will be possible to buy combined cereals, including fruit.
Heinz porridge - wholegrain from 6 months

These cereals are made from whole grains, including bran and germ. In this form, the cereals retain all the natural benefits, the supply of minerals and vitamins.
The line contains low-allergenic, dairy and non-dairy cereals - from mono-cereals and mixed. There are no additives, except for prebiotics, as well as a mineral-vitamin complex. Dry mixes are simply diluted with warm water (+40 °) immediately before feeding.
- Maximum preservation of nutrients;
- There are safe products for little allergies;
- No need to cook;
- Affordable cost.
- Almost tasteless.
The composition of whole grain cereals includes only cereal flour and vegetable inulin, sometimes milk powder, so you should not expect any interesting taste from them. But toddlers eat such food without whims.
Nestle "Shagayka" - the best cereals for kids from 1 year

The Shagayka porridge series is designed to meet the needs of already grown up, actively moving children. They well saturate the body with energy, essential vitamins, minerals and iron.
The special texture of the croup develops chewing skills in the baby, and the pieces of fruit make the porridge tastier and awaken the appetite.
- Pleasant taste;
- Contains bifidobacteria to improve peristalsis;
- Promotes development and active growth;
- Well fills the stock of energy;
- It dissolves perfectly - without lumps.
- All milk porridges - no lactose free mixtures in the lineup.
“Shagayka” from Nestlé is quick and easy to prepare, pleasant to the taste and in its consistency. But there are gluten in its composition, so parents of small allergy sufferers need to enter this dish into the diet with caution.
The best children's juices and teas
From the age of 3 months, babies can be given herbal teas with fennel or chamomile, as well as natural and clarified juices, starting with green and yellow fruits (apples, pears). Over time, they will add peach, apricot or plum juice. Then go "cocktails" of 2 or more types of fruit.
Juices Frutonyanya 4+ - clarified juices for the first feeding

The range of this company has everything you need for the first acquaintance of the baby with fruit. Here are the one-component juices for 4-month-old crumbs and a new mix of green apple with black currant for six-month-old kids. Older kids Frutonyan offers a wide selection of fruit drinks and juices with the pulp of direct extraction.
- Made from natural products;
- Big choice;
- Pleasant taste of juices;
- There are hypoallergenic products;
- Packages of different volume (200 and 500 ml);
- Affordable cost.
- The taste of one juice from batch to batch can vary.
Most moms call juices Frutonyan tasty, noting the moderate sugar content. Especially distinguish the novelty Apple + currant - fragrant, fortified drink.
Hipp "Fennel" - the best tea against colic

Hipp markets organic products of European quality. In addition, it is one of the few manufacturers of children's tea - soluble and portioned sachets. In the line of the brand there are decoctions of fennel, chamomile, wild rose and tasty fruit granules.
But first of all, you can get acquainted with fennel - already at the age of 1 month, children brew this tea to get rid of colic. The drink is sold packaged in individual bags, does not contain dyes and preservatives.
- Environmentally friendly, natural ingredients;
- Individual packaging of each bag;
- Prevents gas and colic.
- Quite a price.
For babies of one Hipp bag a bit too much - the drink turns out to be quite strong and it has to be diluted with water. But mothers who breastfeed can take this tea, although the effect will be much weaker.
The best fruit and vegetable puree
Acquaintance with fruit purees, as well as with juices, is recommended to start with an apple or pear. Of vegetables, preference should be given to neutral to taste cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini and potatoes. For 8-9 months, you can try more complex formulations of products already familiar to the child.
Heinz Organic - fruit mash for the first feeding

The American company produces organic mashed potatoes for the first feeding. The range of the brand is not yet large: the line includes only mashed apples, pears and prunes, as well as fruit mixes from these fruits grown on special plantations without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.
Initially, purees were sold in 120 ml jars, but more recently, 80 ml more convenient for the first feeding appeared on the market.
- 100% natural products;
- Fruits are grown without fertilizer;
- Mashed potatoes do not contain starch and preservatives;
- Convenient jars of small volume.
- A poor choice of tastes.
Heinz Organic Puree is great for your baby's first acquaintance with fruit - you can begin to introduce it in the supplement at the age of 4-5 months.
Agusha "Immunity" - drinking puree with vitamins

A well-known company has expanded its range of fruit and berry mixes that can be drunk through a straw. Half a year old baby, of course, it will be difficult to do, but a thick “drink” can be simply squeezed into a spoon or added to other dishes.
The puree is packaged in soft triangular packages weighing 90 grams each and prepared with the addition of concentrated juice.Also included in the composition of each product is a vitamin complex.
In the new line you will find flavors based on apple puree with the addition of blackberry, raspberry, rosehip, strawberry and even cottage cheese. Pediatricians recommend similar combinations to give babies older than 9-10 months, although the manufacturer marks its products "6 months +".
- Original and unusual tastes;
- Enriched with vitamins composition;
- Convenient packaging;
- Lack of sugar and thickeners;
- Affordable cost.
- Invalid age limit;
- In some mixes there are berries, allergens.
Immuniti drinkers are more suitable for children aged 10-12 months - provided that they are not prone to allergies.
Puree Spelenok - the richest choice

The domestic manufacturer of baby food uses vegetables and fruits grown near their factories for mashed potatoes, so the harvest is processed in the first days of harvest. For maximum safety of useful substances and vitamins, products are ground fresh.
The range of the brand includes not only fruit, but also vegetable purees with the addition of various cereals, cottage cheese and cream. The consistency of these products is uniform, delicate, pleasant to the taste. All of them are designed for babies of different ages, starting from 4 months.
- Affordable cost and excellent quality;
- The use of fresh vegetables and fruits;
- Cold wiping technology for preserving vitamins;
- The complete absence of preservatives, dyes and stabilizers;
- Extremely rare cases of allergies;
- Rich selection of tastes.
- New soft packaging is not always convenient.
Spelenok has a really rich assortment of mashed potatoes with a variety of tastes. Of particular interest are products with the addition of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals in the category of 8 months +.
The best canned meat and fish
For canned meat intended for feeding babies, animals are fed on ecologically clean feed without adding antibiotics. Such products are introduced into the diet of children at the age of 8-9 months, after vegetable purees.
Hipp Organic - Organic Meat Pates

Hipp baby mashed animals are grown on organic farms, where not only their nutrition, but also their health status is monitored. Until recently, only rabbit, turkey, beef and chicken pastes were in the brand's assortment. And now added to them delicious mash "Tender Veal".
Older kids company also offers meat products with the addition of vegetables or rice. But you won't find soy, milk protein, salt, spice or gluten in any of the others.
- Organic products;
- Lean meats;
- Puree thick consistency, but very tender;
- Safe composition without allergens.
- Fresh taste due to lack of spices.
Meat mono-mashed potatoes from Hipp are much tastier than meat-vegetable mixtures. In addition, they can be gradually added to other savory dishes for the baby.
Semper Fish and vegetable puree - ready meals for kids from a year on

Italian brand Semper creates tasty and healthy, and most importantly - complete ready meals for children. This is the second, and a side dish in one jar. It remains only to warm the chopped mashed potatoes and put it on a plate.
The menu includes mashed potatoes with salmon, risotto with dorado, vegetable stew with cod, pasta with trout and other goodies. The Italians have an assortment of meat dishes “with a side dish” no less wide, but you will not find such a choice of canned fish anywhere else.
- Large selection of dishes;
- Delicious mashed potatoes of a gentle consistence;
- Prepared only from natural products;
- The high content of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Multicomponent composition that can cause allergies.
Meat and fish puree from Semper is a complete meal for children 1-1.5 years old. It is convenient to take such jars with you for long walks or trips when there is no possibility to cook something for the baby yourself.
The best dairy products for baby food
Kefir, cottage cheese and other dairy products can be taken not only in the dairy kitchen, but also to buy in the store. The main thing is to choose the right manufacturer.
Tyoma Biotvorog - for children older than 9 months

Although the package with “Tyoma” curd is 6 months old, this does not mean that it is time to feed these six-month-old babies.
For breastfed babies, doctors recommend introducing fermented milk dishes not earlier than 9 months. Moreover, the bio-creature comes with fruit puree or cereals, and only one type of it - “Classic” - is prepared without any additives.
- Made from natural milk;
- Rich selection of tastes;
- High calcium content (100 mg / 100 g of product);
- Enriched with beneficial bifidobacteria.
- In the curd mass there are grains.
Despite the multi-component composition of “Tyoma” curd, there are practically no cases of allergy to it. So if you do not rush to the introduction of this dessert, and wait until 9-10 months, the baby will not have problems.
Agusha "Go to sleep" - yogurts for a good sleep

In the large family Zasypaek replenishment - now to porridges, curds and milk in this series added two types of yogurt: thick and drinking.
Like the whole line, these products also contribute to a peaceful sleep of the child, since they contain lemon balm extract. It gently affects the nervous system, forcing the kid who has walked towards the night to gradually calm down and sleep soundly. There are no chemical and medical additives in the product.
- A taste that children like;
- Contains prebiotics for proper digestion;
- Only natural ingredients in the composition;
- Increased protein content;
- Soft impact, no addictive.
- Some yogurts include allergenic berries.
Of course, it’s not worth waiting for a wonderful effect from one jar of yogurt - the child is unlikely to fall asleep right after such a dessert. But if the baby has an established regimen, and he is simply overexcited before going to bed, a delicious “after-dinner” with melissa will help him to relax a little.
The best cookies for baby food
Cookies can be given to babies who have already cut their teeth, and some of these sweets in general are a version of the soluble porridge. In any case, these products are safe, melt easily in the mouth, and it is almost impossible to choke on them.
Fleur Alpine Organic - Whole Grain Flour

A large series of cookies from the Belgian manufacturer will please with a variety of flavors even in the 6-month + line. There are wholegrain and oatmeal cookies, with the addition of grape, apple juice and even prebiotics.
Components for Fleur Alpine are produced on organic farms. Cookies are baked on coconut or vegetable oil, cane sugar is used here as a sweetener - and even then not all products use it.
The cookies themselves are easily dissolved in water or milk, so they can be given to babies after the first acquaintance with cereals.
- Large selection of flavors;
- Whole grain flour based;
- Organic ingredients;
- The absence of palm oil in the composition;
- More useful cane sugar instead of white;
- Convenient mini-packs of 25 grams.
- Cookies dry.
Fleur's cookies are really tasty and healthy, but for babies up to one year it’s better to give them in dissolved form or at the same time with some kind of drink so that the child does not choke on hard crumbs.
Milupa - the most popular cookies

The manufacturer indicates that this cookie can be given to six-month-old babies after soaking it in warm milk and turning it into a kind of porridge. But a complex, albeit harmless composition - this is a reason to raise the age bar for this kind of food.
Milupa cookies are more suitable for one-year-old children - they will already be able to use it as a whole, developing fine motor skills and a chewing reflex. A complex of micronutrients and vitamins will help the child to get his norm of calcium, iron and vitamins of group B.
- Convenient individual packaging of cookies;
- Contains vitamins, as well as the necessary elements for the growing body;
- Pleasant taste;
- It is easily and quickly dissolved;
- It lies well in the nursery handle.
- Contains gluten free;
- A lot of sugar.
If a child does not have a reaction to gluten, such cookies can be periodically given as a light snack from 9-12 months. But constantly keep the baby on it is not worth it.
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