
Milk porridge eat many. However, to cook it, such as I would like it turns out not always. It is possible that the whole thing in a saucepan in which you cook. In this article we will deal with what dishes are best suited for making milk porridge.



milk porridge

Iron pot

  • Of course, this is already a somewhat outdated option, but in many houses it is still preserved. The main advantage of a pot of cast iron and aluminum is a uniform temperature distribution over the entire surface of the pot.
  • Milk (and other ingredients) do not stick to the walls of the pot.
  • The main disadvantage is the long cooking of porridge, because the walls and bottom of the dishes are very thick and heat up for a long time (they also cool down for a long time).

Modern multi-layered pans

  • Such pots are characterized by a 5-6 layer bottom and compacted walls, which include non-stick, aluminum and other coatings.
  • The density of the bottom and walls reduce the risk of foam (in milk) and lumps in the porridge due to the rapid heating of the dishes.
  • Convenience and practicality: such pots can be used not only for cooking milk porridges.
  • Minus: when buying low-quality pots, its surface can react with products (for example, oxidize) and adversely affect human health. One of the most harmful are nickel.

Milk cooker

  • This is a specialized double pan for cooking porridge.
  • Guaranteed cooking healthy and fresh cereal. With such dishes, each housewife can not worry about burning milk and dairy products. The principle of its operation is based on the principle of a water bath, and during the boiling of milk a “whistle” is triggered so that the hostess turns off the stove.


  • Multifunctional development that allows you to cook soups, cereals and other dishes without wasting time. But, despite all its modernity and practicality, user feedback is not always positive.
  • This is due to the choice of the bowl: it is best to buy with a ceramic coating, because ceramics are neutral to products, withstand high temperatures, have a smooth surface.

And yet, given the diversity of kitchen utensils, "methods of grandmothers and mothers," it is better to boil the porridge in a molokovarka or multicooker. They can guarantee trouble-free preparation of dairy products, while maintaining all the taste and benefits of products.

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