
Surely everyone at least once in his life heard of such a miracle of electronics, like the Apple iPad. But if you are far from modern technologies, you hardly know much about this device. And, most likely, in this case, the following question could have matured for a long time: how does the tablet differ from Aipad? After all, in fact, outwardly, these devices resemble the same thing. And all because Aypad - this is the tablet.




Many people are misled by the fact that, in their speech, the owners of this device never call the iPad the generic word “tablet”. Thus, they emphasize the status and high class of this device. And indeed, the iPad, produced by the American company Apple, is undoubtedly the best device among tablet PCs. Leadership is constantly trying to challenge other companies, but so far unsuccessfully. The first position of this device provides a number of fundamental differences from other tablets. And now we will figure out what exactly these differences.

Difference # 1: Appearance

Despite the fact that, in general, all the tablets are similar, Aypad can be seen from afar. And it does not mean a bright color or an unusual form. Not. These devices have a simple but recognizable design. The iPad has a fairly thin aluminum case in silver.

tablet - appearance

Behind is the famous bitten apple - the Apple logo. All models of this PC are available in two versions - black and white. Other tablets may also have an interesting design. But most of them are much cheaper than the Aipad, so there is no reason to talk about a durable aluminum case.

Difference # 2: Operating System

And whatever they say, the very heart of every computer, let alone a tablet, is the operating system. At the moment on the tablets you can find the following software: Android, Windows 8 or RT, iOS. Each of these operating systems has its own characteristics.

But the most common platform is still considered Android. This operating system is installed on many devices from different manufacturers. It is distinguished by wide possibilities of personalization and a large number of supported applications. So, among the tablets on this platform can be noted the popular Samsung Galaxy Tab or ASUS MemoPad.

tablet operating system

The Windows platform on tablets is quite a promising direction, but still not very common. Here we see an interesting functionality and unusual design. The only but significant disadvantage is a very small number of applications and games for installation.

And now we come to the most interesting - to the iOS platform. After all, the main difference between the tablet and the iPad lies precisely in the operating system. The fact is that iOS software is Apple’s development for its own devices. That is, each iPad is equipped exclusively with this OS. It has a simple, intuitive control and at the same time great opportunities. It is also important that in the online store App Store there are a huge number of applications for iPad. And all of them, without exception, are adapted specifically for your device. While not all games and applications are played on the same Android devices.

You can long describe all the nuances of different software. But you can not exactly say which of the three existing platforms is the best. Each of them has both pluses and minuses. To understand what exactly suits you, you should watch the device in operation.

Difference # 3: Display Parameters

Any tablet from the iPad will also be different screen settings. On the one hand, an excellent quality screen will always be installed on the “apple” device of any model. Here and an excellent matrix and the number of pixels per inch is much greater than that of competitors. Picking up the iPad, you will be fascinated by such a bright and clear image.And if this is an iPad model with a Retina display, then there are no words here. Depending on the model, the iPad's screen size varies from 8 to 10 inches. The only "but" is the display resolution. Here it is inferior to many Android devices.

ipad display

Difference # 4: Functionality and Performance

One of the main differences from the usual tablet iPad - performance and functionality. It is worth noting here that the advantage of any tablet PC over the iPad is to support an external memory card. So, if the tablet PC on Windows or Android has too little internal memory, you can add, for example, an SD card. But on the "apple" device will have to do with what is.

tablet ipad

Also, you cannot simply download files from your computer on any iPad. To do this, you will have to install a special iTunes program. Although, if you dig deeper, in this moment you can find advantages. The list of shortcomings should also include the lack of USB support, as well as an external Internet modem. That is, with the connection of peripheral devices will be tight. And finally, it should be said that Aipad is not "friends" with a flash player. So, online games and many movies on the Internet that are played with flash technologies will not be available to you. And most of the other tablets, even the cheapest, are equipped with all these functions.

Having finished listing the minuses, it is worth mentioning the amazing property of the iPad, and more specifically about the operating system features: there are no viruses here. They are simply not supported. So, you can forget about the numerous problems of device protection. In addition, this PC plays applications much more stable than its competitors due to a good processor. Quite often released and update the OS.

Difference # 5: Cost

No matter how trite, but the decisive point in the choice between the tablet and the iPad is often the cost. For some, price is an indicator of prestige, while for others, saving without losing quality is important. Regular tablets based on Windows or Android cost from 2 thousand rubles. Naturally, the more options in the device, the higher the price. But the cost of the most inexpensive Aipad at the moment is 12 thousand and reaches almost forty. Here, the price determines the amount of memory, parameters and size of the display, as well as the presence of the 3g module.


So, let's summarize the above:

  • Unlike many other tablets, the iPad has a solid aluminum case.
  • The iPad has a quality matrix, thanks to which the image is always clear and bright.
  • Almost all tablet PCs support an external memory card, and Aypad does not have this feature.
  • In the App Store online store there are many more device-adapted applications than in the same Windows.
  • Ipad does not support flash technology

And finally, keep in mind a small but pleasant nuance: the iPad is one of the most popular devices. Therefore, unlike other devices, you will never have problems choosing accessories for it. After all, there are entire departments with various trifles specifically for "apple" products.

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