Our ranking of the best feed for parrots includes diets for small, medium and large birds. All formulations include not only cereal crops, but also vitamins necessary for the health of birds.
How to choose parrot food
The main thing to look at when choosing food is its composition. Usually, millet, oats and other cereals form the basis, but the diet of a bird should not be reduced only to them. Supplements in the form of seeds, pieces of fruit or vegetables will significantly enrich the nutrition of the feathered and provide his body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
The amount of sweet fruits (for example, bananas, dates) in the mixture should be strictly limited so as not to provoke an increase in the pet's weight. But viburnum harbors another danger - it can harm birds with weak buds.
Also, when buying, look at the state of the package - it should be whole, without spots and faded pictures. This indicates the proper storage of feed and ensures that all the useful substances added by the manufacturer of the mixture are preserved in it.
The best feed for small parrots
The menu of feathered pets is determined by the habitat of their relatives in wildlife. Small wavy parrots come from Argentina and are accustomed to eat wheat, seeds, fruits, greens, as well as buds and shoots of plants. And remember that the daily rate for them should not exceed 20 g.
Versele-Laga Prestige Premium Budgies - cereal and fruit assortment for budgerigars

The cereal assortment contains at least 2% of chia seeds - a source of fatty acids necessary for the plumage of a pet.
Also included are fruit granules and ground oyster shells for proper functioning of the muscles of the stomach, replenishing calcium and phosphorus in the body of a bird.
Pets are attracted by the pleasant smell of granules - they eat them with pleasure. The mixture is sold in kilogram sealed bags with a zip-fastener for easy storage.
- brilliant clean grains;
- balanced composition;
- nice smell;
- convenient packaging.
- high cost (about 450 rubles per kilogram pack);
- the package does not specify the detailed composition.
Versele-Laga is not cheap, but if you take into account the small daily rate of feeding wavy parrot, packs will last for a long time, and the costs will be quite small.
Triol - cheaper option

Triol parrot food belongs to the budget segment. Nevertheless, its composition is diverse: white and red millet, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds, oats, meadow herbs, canary seed, vitamins, iodine.
Food is sold both in the classic form of a grain mixture, and with various additives: fruits, vegetables, or honey. Thanks to this, you can diversify the pet menu.
- reasonable price (an average of 60 rubles for 450 g);
- several flavors to choose from;
- There are most pet stores.
- no nuts in the composition;
- carton package without sealed bag inside.
Before giving this feed to a parrot, it is better to look at the contents of the package and pour it into a sealed jar to avoid the appearance of insects in the mixture.
Padovan "Cocorite" - a balanced daily diet

Cocorite - a good basic diet at an affordable price from the Italian manufacturer.In addition to the grain mixture (millet, peeled oats, canary grains), the structure includes pieces of apricots, pears and apples, ground shells and bright pieces of biscuits.
Owners note the excellent appetite, healthy appearance, activity of pets during the entire period of feeding with mixtures of Padovan. Sold food in cardboard boxes of 500 g with sealed bags inside.
- quality packaging;
- there are vitamin and mineral supplements;
- Available at most pet stores.
- One of the additives is a dye biscuit, which is not very useful.
Most birds do not eat cookies, but prefer to play with bright pieces. For reliability, you can remove them from the mixture independently and not give your pet at all.
Otherwise, this is just an excellent and complete food that does not require the introduction of any additional additives in the diet of the parrot.
NaturaList - pure cereal mixture

NaturaList for wavy parrots - a novelty in the market of feed for birds. This is a cereal mixture that can be the basis of a feathered pet's ration. In its structure: red and yellow millet, oatmeal, canary and flax.
There is nothing superfluous, which means that the food will suit birds with allergies. In addition, due to the increased nutritional value of the composition, the rate of feeding is reduced to 5-12 g per day.
NaturaList is supplied in a transparent sealed bag, which allows you to view the food in the store and make sure the quality and quality of the grains.
- economical consumption;
- transparent packaging;
- natural composition.
- no fruit or vegetable additives.
NaturaList can be used as a basis for feeding wavy parrots, diversifying the diet of birds with fresh fruits and vegetables.
The best feed for medium parrots
Medium-sized parrots are accustomed to eating grain, fruit, seeds, and some plants in nature. The daily rate of feeding for them should not exceed 30 g.
Fiory Parrocchetti Africa - for long-tailed birds

Fiory Parrocchetti Africa is designed specifically for parakeets and supports their bright plumage. The composition is as close as possible to the diet of birds in their natural environment.
In addition to the usual mixture of seeds of sunflower, wheat, oats, yellow, white and red millet, there are shaflor, reed wobber, raisins, carroub, hemp seed, corn and buckwheat.
Also, special granules have been added to the mixture, which serve as a source of beneficial trace elements and fatty acids.
All this “vinaigrette” gives the stern a pleasant aroma that attracts feathered pets so much - the mixture is eaten by the birds without a trace.
- vacuum packaging;
- rich aroma;
- balanced composition;
- pure grains and granules without dust.
- It is expensive and there is not in all stores.
Parrocchetti Africa is sold with packaging from 0.8 to 3.2 kg. It is more profitable to buy food in large packages.
Waka Lux - daily food for small and medium parrots

Balanced feed, developed jointly with specialists in breeding birds, contains millet, hemp seed, chumise and meadow grass, oats, canary, flax.
There are also sea kale - a source of iodine, which prevents metabolic imbalance, as well as 7 vitamins (A, D, E, PP, group B). Food is sold in cans with an airtight lid, packaged in 0.5 and 1 kg.
- acceptable price;
- fortified composition does not require dokorma fruits and vegetables;
- does not contain dyes;
- convenient packing.
- some banks remain sharp edges after removing the protective layer.
Waka Suite is suitable for both medium and small parrots, which is very convenient for owners of several birds of different sizes.
Rio "For medium parrots" - the main diet

This feed is based on a rich mixture of cereals: yellow, red and black millet, canary, oatmeal, buckwheat, oats, flaxseed and paddy rice.
Owners of birds praise the composition and for numerous supplements. Among them are sunflower seeds, herbs and plants, algae, dried rowan and carrots.
The ingredients in the package are clean, not dusty when filling. Birds pets eat food without residue. All this combined with a low price makes Rio one of the most popular mixes among breeders.
- affordable price;
- balanced rich composition;
- great quality.
- Opaque package without zip fastener.
Rio is an excellent choice as a basic ration for medium parrots. And the question of its storage is easily solved by pouring the mixture into a jar or a clothespin.
The best feed for big parrots
Large breed parrots are considered the most capricious in terms of food. They prefer fruits and seeds of fruit trees, and also love to feast on flowers, berries, nuts. The daily rate of the mixture for such birds is 30-50 g.
Versele-Laga Prestige Parrots - the most popular food

The Belgian-made high-grain feed is designed for the daily diet of large parrots. The composition was developed on the basis of the natural diet of the cockatoo, macaw, jaco, amazon and their closest relatives.
It contains several grain crops (buckwheat, oats, raw rice, wheat), as well as sunflower, hemp and pumpkin seeds, corn, pine nuts and peanuts. Sold in a mixture of sealed bags of 1 and 3 kg.
- there is no trash and garbage in the package;
- very rich composition;
- convenient packing with a zip-fastener.
- Sunflower seeds are a bit too much here - apparently, to reduce the cost of the mixture.
When buying Prestige Parrots, and other peanut feeds, experienced hen houses recommend checking the surface of the peanuts.
The beans should not be dark spots, talking about infection with aflatoxin - only in this case, the food can be fearlessly offered to birds.
Vitakraft Premium Menu - a bird ration base

The full Vitakraft Premium menu is designed for daily feeding of large parrots and does not require additional feeding. Cereals make up only a small part of it - mainly various seeds, dried vegetables, nuts and other products of plant origin are used here.
Among the beneficial additives are honey, yeast, cod liver oil. This set of ingredients provides the bird with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, maintaining its healthy appearance and bright plumage. Sold food in tight sealed bags of 1 kg.
- no dyes or preservatives;
- rich composition based on the natural diet of large parrots;
- convenient packing.
- not in all zoomagah it is sold.
Ornithologists and parrot breeders recommend Vitakraft Premium to use as a basis for the diet of healthy feathered pets.
The best special feed for parrots
Birds in different periods of life may need a special diet with a high content of vitamins and microelements.
Vitakraft Menu for kids - for budgerigar chicks

Vitakraft has developed a special diet for budgerigar chicks. In addition to grain crops and seeds, eggs and derivative products are added to the feed as a source of valuable proteins, as well as calcium, minerals, yeast, honey, oils and fats.
All this ensures a harmonious growth and proper development of chicks in captivity. The mixture is recommended for feeding young parrots up to a year and is sold in dense packages of 500 g.
- enriched composition;
- economical consumption;
- no preservatives and flavors;
- convenient packaging zip lok.
- not every store it is.
Vitakraft for kids is suitable for daily feeding of wavy parrots from the first days of life up to a year. The only inconvenience is that the chick owner needs to take care of ordering feed in advance.
Rio "During the Molt" - the best feed during the molt

Enriched feed Rio give wavy and medium parrots during the period of molting (for each group of birds, the manufacturer has its own kind of this feed).
Birds often suffer from this process, they become irritable and capricious in food. Therefore, sesame, Abyssinian nougat, calcium and algae were added to the rich cereal mixture of Rio, so that the molt went faster and the pet felt better.
- pure grain mixture;
- rich composition;
- economical consumption (7-12 g per day);
- inexpensive.
- no zipper on the package;
- not suitable for large parrots.
Rio ration during molting, buyers consider the best in terms of price-quality ratio. However, an additional course of vitamins during the plumage change does not hurt.
True friends - complex food for budgerigars

Another Russian-made feed for the period of molting - but only for small wavy parrots.
It is manufactured using gentle technologies without high-temperature processing. This preserves the maximum of nutrients, taste, and brings the feathery ration to the natural.
The mixture includes a large number of cereals, seeds of meadow grasses, ground nuts, seaweed. They provide immunity strengthening, improve the general condition of the bird and accelerate the growth of new feathers.
It is convenient to store food at home thanks to the thoughtful packaging. The daily dose for small parrots is only 10 g, which guarantees the minimum consumption of the mixture - a half-kilogram package lasts for 2 months.
- immunity support;
- rich fortified composition;
- affordable price;
- tight bag with a clasp.
- requires supplement.
In addition to the main feed, the manufacturer recommends to include in the diet of feathered pets a small amount of fresh food, such as cottage cheese, a hard-boiled egg, carrots, cucumber, an apple, and sprouted cereals.
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