Review of the best means of cockroaches, according to those who have already defeated annoying insects. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of popular aerosols, powders and gels to combat red "neighbors".
How to choose the best remedy for cockroaches
Funds for fighting cockroaches can be divided into 3 groups:
1. For rapid destruction - sprays, aerosols, concentrates for the preparation of solutions.
2. Means of slow action - gels, crayons, powders, traps.
3. Scarers.
High-speed funds intended for urgent elimination of insects. They tend to have a pungent odor and are dangerous to people and pets.
Such substances destroy insects in the shortest possible time - from several hours to days. But if their action is over, and some insects survived, re-treatment or the use of other chemicals will be required.
"Slow" means kill cockroaches within 1-2 weeks. They are safe for people and small animals, have no pronounced smell and do an excellent job with the destruction of a large population of insects.
The effect of many of these drugs is based on the fact that one pest will infect its other brethren on contact. Such tools are especially effective if used after high-speed solutions.
Scarers - These are devices that create ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, forcing cockroaches to leave the room. Such devices are more suitable for prophylaxis or for fixing the result after applying previous preparations.
The best aerosols from cockroaches
Aerosols are suitable for processing large areas and are able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach places where cockroaches can live. They kill insects in a matter of hours, after which the room will only be ventilated and cleaned.
Raptor - a universal mint-scented spray

Spray Raptor destroys not only cockroaches, but also 17 more species of crawling insects: wood lice, ants, bugs, spiders and other parasites, including their larvae.
The tool does not contain chladones and other ozone-depleting substances, however, it is necessary to work with it with gloves and, preferably, in a respirator. Despite the declared mint flavor, the smell of "Raptor" is not pleasant.
The main advantage of the aerosol is as much as 3 active ingredients in the composition. Cypermethrin (0.15%) is a contact and gastric insecticide that immediately destroys an insect on contact.
Tetramethrin (0.20%) and imiprotrin (0.05%) are long-acting substances that negatively affect the nervous system. If they get into the body of a pest with air or food, it will die within 2 days.
- Elimination of 17 types of insects;
- Three active components;
- Instant and prolonged action;
- Infection of insects even on contact with dried drops;
- Affordable price.
- Sharp, acrid smell.
"Raptor" - a professional tool with instant and lasting effect. It can be used as a primary attack on parasites and the subsequent protection of the premises. With only this aerosol will be able to get rid of a small or medium population of cockroaches.
Clean House - no smell

Another universal remedy that saves not only from crawling, but also from flying insects. The aerosol is sold in a volume container of 600 ml - such a balloon will be enough to handle 120 square meters.
Ease of use provides a dual feed system: the drug can be sprayed "cloud" or through a tube to reach the insects hidden in narrow crevices.
"Clean House" does not have a sharp smell, which makes it quite suitable means for residential premises. Nevertheless, the effect of its use will be noticeable immediately.
- Universality;
- Large volume;
- No smell;
- Two methods of spraying;
- Instant action.
- High price.
Aerosol "Clean House" - the best solution for residential premises, if the owners can not permanently leave the apartment. The drug immediately destroys cockroaches and with repeated use is able to completely rid the home of unwanted neighbors.
Raid aerosol - protection up to 4 weeks

Raid - effective aerosol from cockroaches and their eggs. Like other effective means, it has a double effect: first, it destroys insects, and then, within 4 weeks, it protects the premises from new attacks and hatched young animals.
The aerosol is sprayed on all hard-to-reach areas and places where cockroaches live. After drying, the product is removed only from surfaces where accidental contact with it is possible. The remaining dried drops act as a barrier against new insects.
- Low price;
- Moderate odor;
- Instant elimination of cockroaches;
- Protection of the room up to 4 weeks;
- Ease of use.
- Not safe for people and animals.
Aerosol "Raid" - a tool that will help to cope with a small population of cockroaches and protect the apartment from their repeated penetration. If the situation is neglected, it can be considered as the first step in the destruction of parasites.
The best gels from cockroaches
Gels are slow-acting, but effective means in the fight against cockroaches. They are able to cope with a small accumulation of insects in 1–2 weeks and are an excellent addition to fast-acting drugs in difficult situations.
Such funds are applied in places of accumulation and movement of reddish - and they themselves will show interest in the dangerous "delicacy".
Deadly force - chain reaction gel

This gel has a wide spectrum of action and destroys most species of crawling insects. The main substance here is fipronil, which provides contact and gastric effects on pests.
Getting on the body of a cockroach, the gel is transferred to the places of concentrations of relatives, and the rest of the individuals also become infected. After contact with the substance, the insect dies within 3 hours.
The tool has a bitter taste, repellent pets, but attracts parasites aromatic fragrances. And the oils entering into its structure for a long time are delayed on the processed surfaces, frightening off new cockroaches.
- Affordable price;
- Kills not only cockroaches, but also other crawling insects;
- Sticks well to pest bodies;
- Scares off warm-blooded animals;
- Protects the apartment from reinfection.
- The surviving individuals develop immunity to the active substance.
One pack of the Uglynaya Force gel is enough for processing rooms up to 40 sq.m. This tool is suitable for premises where pets live.
Rubit "Zindan" - works at home and on the street

Gel Rubit "Zindan" is not destroyed at a temperature of +100 .. + 120 ° C or under sunlight, so it can be used in the house, on terraces and verandas protected from precipitation. This allows you to protect the home as much as possible even from cockroaches penetrating from the outside.
The active ingredient of the drug is karbofos. It is quite effective, but equally dangerous to warm-blooded animals and has a pungent odor.
In the gel are made aromatic additives that attract insects. Once inside the body, it causes paralysis and death of pests. The effect occurs after 3 days and lasts up to 8-9 days.
- Low price;
- Convenient tube syringe;
- Resistance to the sun and heat;
- Destroys up to 99% of individuals for 1 use.
- High toxicity;
- Strong smell.
Rubit "Zindan" perfectly show itself in a private house, in the country and in industrial premises.
Bayer Maxfors ІС - safe tool

The active substance of this gel was imidacloprid - chemical nicotine. This is one of the least dangerous insecticides for people and pets, so Maxfors ІC is often used in institutions, canteens, pet stores and in public places. At the same time, the effects on crawling insects cannot be called harmless.
The effect of the use of "nicotine" gel will be noticeable after 24 hours and will last up to 3 months, because the tool does not dry out for a long time.
The destructive properties of the drug are manifested both when cockroaches enter the esophagus and on the surface of the body.
- Not dangerous for people and animals;
- Protection against cockroaches up to 3 months;
- Convenient release form in the form of a syringe;
- Contact and intestinal action.
- High price.
Bayer Maxfors ІC is a gel that can cope with both small and extensive colonies of cockroaches, without posing a danger to legitimate residents.
The best dry remedies for cockroaches
To dry means of cockroaches include powders and pencils (crayons). They allow not only to destroy the existing population of pests, but also prevent the penetration of new "settlers".
They can be used to prevent or consolidate the result after a bitter struggle with the Prussians.
"Ecokiller" - 100% natural remedy

Ecokiller bioinsecticide is absolutely safe for people and animals, as it is made of diatomite - a rock.
Also known as "mountain flour", it is used as a sorbent in pharmacology and cosmetology.
Diatomite (petrified algae) has a double effect on insects: it destroys the chitinous shell, designed to protect it from dehydration, and draws in like a sponge all the moisture.
"Ecokiller" is odorless, does not cause allergies, can be applied without protective equipment. In addition to cockroaches, he destroys bedbugs, ants, fleas and other insects. They can handle animal fur and their habitats.
However, the fine granules of the powder themselves quickly fly around the room, increasing the radius of action.
- 100% natural;
- Absolute safety for people and animals;
- No smell;
- High efficiency in extermination of cockroaches;
- Unlimited shelf life.
- High price;
- The feeling of an uncleaned, dirty house.
Ekokiller powder is a universal safe remedy that is suitable for any premises and will help you to get rid of any crawling insects without difficulty. But for some time have to go around the house in slippers.
Dust "Vuran" - a potent agent

This powder remedy contains 3 active ingredients at once, which cause irreversible paralysis of insects and lead to their death. The effect of the use of dust is observed during the first 3-4 hours and lasts up to 4 weeks.
“Vuran” is a chemical drug that can spread through the air, therefore, the treatment of the premises should be carried out after taking the children and animals out of the house. After 4 or more hours, the premises are cleaned, leaving the dust to lie only in hard to reach places.
- Destroys up to 99% of cockroaches;
- It has a prolonged effect up to 4 weeks;
- Contains at once 3 active ingredients;
- Easy to apply.
- Not safe for people.
Dust "Vuran" is suitable for residential and industrial premises and will help to cope even with a large population of redheads.
Tornado - crayon from crawling insects

Pencil "Tornado" contains a potent substance cypermethrin, causing nervous paralysis in crawling insects. It is easily applied to any surface, including walls and ceilings, and not only eliminates existing cockroaches, but also protects against the appearance of new ones.
The tool is not exposed to sunlight and high temperature, therefore, remains effective for a month after application.
- Low price;
- Ease of use;
- Action up to 1 month;
- Efficiency;
- Resistance to UV rays;
- Lack of smell.
- After the termination of the action, cockroaches may return.
Chalk "Tornado" - the best option to get rid of a small number of cockroaches. But it can also be used as an aid after fast-acting drugs.
The best liquid remedies for cockroaches
Liquid products include high-speed concentrates for irrigating surfaces. They are characterized by high efficiency, but require compliance with precautions and preliminary preparation of the solution.
Agran - a professional drug for cockroaches

Agran is a liquid concentrated substance that is diluted with water for the subsequent irrigation of sprayer surfaces.
The effectiveness of this drug is confirmed by the fact that it is used by SES and professional disinsectors. It is toxic, but effective, able to cope even with a large population of insects.
Agran is valued for its versatility, as it fights both crawling and flying insects.
It consists of 2 active ingredients from different chemical groups that actively complement each other. Moreover, the concentration of the main components significantly exceeds all modern analogues: 50% of chlorpyrifos and 5% of cypermethrin - with standard ≤ 1%.
- Universal;
- 2 active ingredients;
- High concentration of active ingredients;
- Prolonged action;
- Efficiency - 99%.
- High toxicity, requires compliance with safety measures.
The drug is suitable for professional use - baiting of cockroaches and other insects in residential premises and at large industrial facilities.
Altecid - a long-lasting agent

Altecid is an oily emulsion that helps to cope with flying and crawling insects, including cockroaches.
The drug contains 2 active ingredients that have an immediate effect. The first dead parasites appear within 2–3 hours. But this fluid has a prolonged effect - the protection of the premises from new invasions lasts up to 2 months.
Altecid has a contact and gastric effect on insects, but it has an average safety marker for humans.That is, when using this drug, the owners need to leave the accommodation for a few hours, then ventilate the room and clean it.
- Two active components;
- Universal use;
- Quick effect, plus long protection period;
- Affordable price.
- It is necessary to put, being in protective clothes and a mask.
Altecid is an effective professional tool that will help to quickly get rid of a large colony of cockroaches and prevent the penetration of new individuals into the house.
The best traps for cockroaches
Insect traps destroy them slowly, but they are the safest for humans and pets.
In such devices inside there is always a bait impregnated with aromatic substances, but the principle of action may be different.
In glue traps, the parasites simply stick and die over time, the electrical ones kill them with a current shock, and the insecticide poison the carrier itself and its relatives upon contact.
Combat New SuperBait - universal trap

Insecticidal trap lures inside cockroaches and other crawling, and sometimes flying insects. Its active ingredients infect the parasite, but they do not kill it immediately, being transferred by contact to other individuals in the colony.
As a result, the destruction of 98% of the entire population takes 1-2 weeks. However, the trap itself continues to “work” for another month. The device is safe for people and pets, does not exude unpleasant odors.
- Double impact;
- Destruction of hatched young;
- Universality of use;
- Safety for people and pets;
- Long period of validity.
- After drying it becomes unsuitable for use.
With the Combat trap, you can get rid of a large insect population - even those that will not be in direct contact with it.
GoGreen - electric insect trap

This trap lures cockroaches inside and instantly kills with a high discharge of current. At the same time the closed design makes it safe for children and pets.
As bait can be used as specialized tools (gels), and regular food, including bread crumbs.
One device is enough to protect the premises of 40 square meters. The power supply is provided via an external source with a USB port, but the trap can be connected to a regular outlet - via an adapter.
- Repeated use;
- Instant destruction of an insect;
- LED indicator;
- Easy installation.
- Not suitable for rooms without power outlets.
GoGreen is an effective home trap that will destroy all the cockroaches crawling into it. But precisely because of its principle of action, it is not suitable for combating a large colony - it is an exclusively protective tool, and it is better to use it for preventive purposes.
Forsyth - effective glue trap

The glue trap is designed for mechanical trapping and extermination of insects. It is extremely simple and is a folding cardboard box with a sticky bottom.
Inside her pills are laid with an aromatic bait, but without toxic or other harmful substances.
The life of the trap is at least 45 days, although, as a rule, insects fill the sticky surface much faster.
In case of numerous check-in, it will be necessary to use not one such trap, but it is better not to open new boxes immediately, but to add them gradually with a break of 1-2 days.
- Low price;
- Efficiency;
- Ease of use;
- Safety for humans.
- Disposable;
- Eliminates only adults.
The Forsyth glue trap is suitable only for rooms with a small number of cockroaches or as an auxiliary, not an independent means of struggle.
Top Cockroach Repellers
Scarers do not destroy insects, but due to ultrasonic or magnetic resonance waves negatively affect their nervous system and force them to leave the premises.
They are able to get rid of a small population of parasites, but more often used for prevention or in combination with other means.
Tornado OT.02 - dual-mode repeller

A tornado simultaneously generates ultrasound signals and light flashes that are irritating to cockroaches and other insects.
Thanks to the automatic program for changing the frequency of waves in the range of 1-3 Hz, the parasites do not have time to get used to this effect and quickly leave the building.
The device has a wide area of action - up to 200 sq.m. Connects the device to the outlet and consumes only 10 watts. The repeller is safe for pets and people - they simply do not react to it.
- Unlimited period of use;
- Automatic change of frequencies;
- The combination of ultrasound and light;
- Compact dimensions (30x75x105 mm);
- Safety for people;
- Wide area of impact.
- High price.
Tornado OT.02 is suitable for residential and industrial premises, is an excellent means of preventing the appearance of insects and can easily cope with a small or medium population of cockroaches.
EcoSniper AR-120 - Magnetic Resonance Model

The device generates low-purity electromagnetic waves, which also irritate the crawling nervous system. However, it does not disrupt the operation of electrical appliances and is absolutely safe for people and pets. The wave propagation area is about 80 square meters.
The repeller is compact (77x53x85 mm) and operates from the network. You can use it at home or take it with you on trips.
- Low price;
- Safety for people;
- Compact size;
- Light indication of work;
- Versatility.
- Not effective when insects are large.
EcoSniper will be a great help in the fight against ginger neighbors, if used in combination with other means: aerosols or sprays. It will not only increase the effect of insecticides, but also prevent the re-entry of cockroaches into the house.
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