If you agree that beauty requires sacrifice, you should try an alginate mask. It has a complex effect on the skin, improving its condition and appearance after the first application, but for this it will require patience, time and effort from you to prepare the caring mixture. It is important to choose a good composition from a trusted manufacturer, because such tools are expensive. And what alginates best cope with their tasks, you will learn from our article.

- GS GROUP LABORATORIES "Stimulating Mask" - an express tool of complex action
- RAMOSU Cream Pack Gold Witches Spell - intensive moisturizing of dry skin
- JOKO BLEND Premium alginate mask "With vitamin C" - against the first signs of aging and pigmentation
- ALGOMASK Blackberry Peel Off mask - rejuvenates the skin from the inside
- LIBREDERM "Seratsin" alginate - for oily skin
- ANSKIN Aloe modeling mask - soothing redness mask
- SUNNY LIGHT mask "Detox with badagi" - for deep cleaning
GS GROUP LABORATORIES "Stimulating Mask" - an express tool of complex action
One of the best alginate masks "can" everything: moisturize, regenerate, saturate with oxygen and cleanse the skin, as well as restore its elasticity. At the same time, its composition is the same modest as that of other similar powders, but ginseng extract is used as an additional component.
- Excellently tightens pores;
- Softens and moisturizes the skin;
- Visibly smoothes even deep wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face and removes puffiness;
- Slightly lightens age spots;
- It is very easy to remove in one layer, even if the layer is not thick enough;
- The resulting effect lasts up to 3 days.
- Where the mask is dry (usually along a too thin border), red marks remain on the skin.
RAMOSU Cream Pack Gold Witches Spell - intensive moisturizing of dry skin
Really golden mask, and this time - a two-component. There are two sachets in the box: with a dry alginate mixture and a portion of the mixing gel, so you do not have to dissolve the powder with liquid by eye.
As additional useful additives, amino acids derived from silk, collagen, pearl dust and colloidal gold, as well as plant extracts are included.
- Moisturizes twice as good as other masks due to the presence of hyaluronic acid;
- Deeply cleanses the skin;
- Evens fine lines and overall relief;
- Gives long lasting effect after application;
- There are no side effects if the mask is slightly overexposed on the face;
- It has a pleasant aroma.
- Removing the mask from one layer is very difficult;
- The high price of the kit (650-700 rubles), but the portion can be stretched for 2-3 applications.
JOKO BLEND Premium alginate mask "With vitamin C" - against the first signs of aging and pigmentation
The vitaminized mask with ascorbic acid is an excellent choice to prevent early aging of the skin, as well as to lighten it. The composition includes extracts of raspberry and citrus, plus special components that accelerate the processes of regeneration and cell renewal, which slow down with age.
- Soothes the skin and relieves inflammation;
- It gives the face a healthy glow and evens out the tone, lightening the pigment spots;
- Cleans pores well;
- Unlike many other alginate masks, it does not cause burning;
- It has a cumulative effect;
- Easily divorced - no lumps;
- The mask package has a zip fastener, which simplifies the storage of the tool and prevents moisture from getting inside.
- The mask should be applied immediately with a thick layer, otherwise it is difficult to remove it later, so it will not be possible to save the powder.
ALGOMASK Blackberry Peel Off mask - rejuvenates the skin from the inside
The action of this mask is significantly different from ordinary alginates - it not only moisturizes and tones the upper layers of the dermis, but also activates the internal blood circulation.As a result, the nutrition of the skin cells is improved, and the walls of the blood vessels are strengthened. The mask contains bilberry extract with pieces of the berries themselves and maltodextrin (treacle), which provides the derma with additional protection from external factors.
- Removes swelling and bags under the eyes;
- It copes not only with fine wrinkles, but also with mimic folds;
- It reduces large pores, reducing the number of black spots, although you should not expect deep cleansing from it;
- Evens complexion;
- Easily removed, and even if the composition fell on the eyelashes or eyebrows, the film does not tear them;
- A lasting result that does not disappear immediately, but gradually.
- The manufacturer obviously overdid it with flavor.
LIBREDERM "Seratsin" alginate - for oily skin
Seboreguliruyuschaya mask will help owners of oily and combination skin to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the face. It contains sulfur and zinc oxide, as well as diatomite. There are no additional components here - neither extracts, nor oils, so the mask smells almost nothing and does not perform other functions. But if you want to get the maximum benefit from it, you can first apply some active serum to your face.
- Soothes inflamed skin, dries acne;
- Cleans deep pores and mattes the face;
- Reduces the number of black dots (some of them just brightens);
- Does not overdry the skin, although it copes with excess fat;
- Does not burn and does not tighten the face;
- Affordable cost - no more than 95-100 rubles per serving.
- Freezes quickly;
- Incorrectly written instructions on the package - to get the correct consistency of water, you need to add almost half as much.
ANSKIN Aloe modeling mask - soothing redness mask
This mask, like other alginates, is suitable for any skin type, but thanks to the aloe vera extract it is best able to cope with redness and inflammation. It is worth paying attention to those who have problem or sensitive dermis. The mask itself is packaged both in bags and in cans with a wide neck.
- Rich vitamin composition that provides intensive nourishment to the skin;
- It contains allantoin, which is responsible for softening and accelerated renewal of integuments;
- Moisturizes better than similar masks due to the presence of both alginates and hyaluronic acid;
- It has antibacterial properties and soothes irritated skin;
- Refreshes and evens the complexion, smoothes small folds;
- It is well dissolved without formation of lumps.
- Very high consumption;
- If you overdo the mask, you can dry out the skin.
SUNNY LIGHT mask "Detox with badagi" - for deep cleaning
This mask contains activated carbon and is designed for deep cleaning and detoxifying tired skin. Badyag, which is an additional component, exfoliates the top layer of “old” cells, refreshing the face. Along the way, it polishes the microrelief and reduces visible wrinkles.
- Significantly reduces the number of black dots;
- Tightens pores on face;
- Matte, but at the same time well moisturizes the skin;
- Copes with red spots, hematomas, post-acne and other lesions on the face;
- Easy to remove after plasticization.
- Not the most pleasant, albeit tolerable smell.
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